Who are we?
Camp Parsons is a resident Scouting America camp operated and maintained by the Chief Seattle Council. It is named after Reginald Hascall Parsons, a Seattle financier and philanthropist, who helped bring scouting to Seattle. Although we operate predominantly throughout the summer, the camp is in operation year round. The winter months are reserved for weekend camping and training sessions as well as our world famous monthly work parties.
Camp Parsons is one of the oldest Scout camps in operation in the United States today. We are the oldest operating camp west of the Mississippi and one of the few camps that uses an open water saltwater base for all aquatic activities. Since July 7th, 1919 Camp Parsons has never ceased operation nor moved from its original site. Situated on the Olympic Peninsula on the shores of the Hood Canal, we have an excellent location and facility to continue the grand experiment that Lord Baden-Powell (who was our guest in 1926) began over 100 years ago. Please take a look at our history page to get a better idea of our past.
What do we do?
We treat every week as our first and only week.
Camp Parsons is a traditional Scouting America resident camp which operates for six to eight weeks each summer season. We have an outstanding staff that comes from all parts of the Pacific Northwest as well as across the country.
Get Ready for Camp
For more information about fees and registration, visit the Chief Seattle Council Camp Parsons page
2025 Sessions
Week 1
July 6th - July 12th
Week 2
July 13th - July 19th
Week 3
July 20th - July 26th
Week 4
July 27th - August 2nd
Week 5
August 3rd - August 9th
Week 6
August 10th - August 16th
space available
2025 Camp Fees
In-State Scouts: $515
(all Scouts with WA State service centers)
Out of State Scouts: $570
All Adults: $315

This website was developed as a tool for the current staff to provide up to date information to any troop that has plans to attend Camp Parsons. You can find the latest info here, coming directly from camp staff.
For official news from Scouting America or to download any official documents, please visit the Chief Seattle Council website (which also has a Camp Parsons page), or visit the national website.

Camp Parsons is accredited through the Scouting America National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP).